Initial biotech MVP delivers promising results, further data pending
Initial biotech MVP delivers promising results, further data pending
Results from Arctic Capture's initial set of mutations on novel cyanobacteria delivers promising carbon flux results.
Results from Arctic Capture's initial set of mutations on novel cyanobacteria delivers promising carbon flux results.
May 6, 2024

Biotech MVP data collection has now been completed and the team at Anthrogen (formerly Arctic Capture) is happy to announce the resulting data is incredibly promising. Initial OD and mass data indicates increased carbon flux in the mutated compared to wild-type species.
The data also points to additional locations on the genome of the cyanobacteria that are promising next targets. Over the next few months, the team plans on going full steam ahead to simulate and provide experimental data for novel mutagenic solutions.
Although more detailed information can't be shared at this point in time, the progress remains exciting. Excited to post more updates as we are able to in the coming months.
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Initial biotech MVP delivers promising results, further data pending
Results from Arctic Capture's initial set of mutations on novel cyanobacteria delivers promising carbon flux results.
May 6, 2024

Biotech MVP data collection has now been completed and the team at Anthrogen (formerly Arctic Capture) is happy to announce the resulting data is incredibly promising. Initial OD and mass data indicates increased carbon flux in the mutated compared to wild-type species.
The data also points to additional locations on the genome of the cyanobacteria that are promising next targets. Over the next few months, the team plans on going full steam ahead to simulate and provide experimental data for novel mutagenic solutions.
Although more detailed information can't be shared at this point in time, the progress remains exciting. Excited to post more updates as we are able to in the coming months.